Liquisset Documentation

Liquisset is an open-source library of pre-made UI components built on top of SwiftUI. Use Liquisset to streamline the way you build and ship iOS Apps.


When Apple released SwiftUI in 2019, it implemented a new way to build interfaces declaratively. This increased the speed at which developers built applications. However, it will never be enough for us.

Liquisset is an open source library that includes UI components that Apple does not ship by default. It includes all of the commonly used components that a SwiftUI app requires, such as buttons, textfields, galleries, loaders, but also some more advanced interactive elements (in progress).

All of the components are built using SwiftUI and Swift 5.

Getting started

Liquisset currently only supports Swift Package Manager as an installation method. In the next update, we will release support for Cocoapods and Carthage.

Install with Swift Package Manager

Open Xcode, go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and enter

You can also add Liquisset as a dependency to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", branch: "main")



Liquisset offers an extensive selection of styles and sizes for the button component.


Liquisset provides a wide array of options when it comes to Textfields.